Unboxing Past is a project that started with unboxing of archive boxes. The archaeologist Thorsten Sonnemann was accompanied by Rimini Protokoll during the opening of 105 archive boxes. These boxes contain finds from the Börneplatz Synagogue in Frankfurt am Main.
Our part of this project was to create a meeting space where three people could gather and talk about the finds. These meetings are then published on the web archive we built. The meetings were recorded and time markers were added to them, which are accessible on the website.

The Project
The project's point of departure is 105 archive boxes in the depot of the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt labelled "Synagogue". They contain stones, tiles, shards, utensils and everyday objects, as well as parts of the Torah shrine of the Börneplatz Synagogue in Frankfurt am Main, which was brutally destroyed during the November pogroms in 1938.
Unboxing Past is an artistic project by Helgard Haug / Rimini Protokoll and METAhub that accompanies the opening of archive boxes and the related work processes.
Unboxing Past is also a digital meeting space and archive. Source and read more → Unboxing Past
The Archive Room
In order to show the archive room in which the boxes were unpacked we went to Frankfurt and made a 3D scan of it. This scan can be found on the homepage of the website where the room can be entered interactively.
The archive room scan

Boxes overview. Each box is represented by a fragment of the room.

The meeting player

Player with three perspectives