The bauhaus.lab was an exhibition space of the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz. As part of my Masters, I had the opportunity to create and exhibit a bauhaus-related project. The project I created was Open Type Face.
The exhibition was part of the 100 year bahaus anniversary. In order to show all the projects that have been exhibited in the bauhaus.lab, it was my task to create a website that presents all the exhibitions.
To give the website a special look, I used Blender to recreate the pavilion where the exhibitions were shown. Each exhibition got its own rendering with the pavilion.

If you take a moment to think about it turning a hundred must be pretty awful. When it comes to the Bauhaus, however, it is something else: some of the characters of that story, like Walter Gropius, László Moholy-Nagy, Herbert Bayer or Josef Albers, succeeded in developing forward-looking ideas that travelled in time and are still today able to inspire our work as designers. What was founded in 1919 as a revolutionary design school, spread its ideas far beyond Germany’s borders, and managed to make them feel — even today in 2019 — surprisingly familiar and up to date. We were very pleased to be invited to this big party that has already taken place in various cities around the world — including the Gutenberg-Museum in Mainz. As presents, we prepared seven visual statements that used the different design and media utopias from the Bauhaus as a starting point. We even received the perfect »wrapping-paper« for the occasion: The ›bauhaus.labor‹ [bauhaus lab]. The seven visual experiments, which will be exhibited alternately throughout twenty-one weeks, were documented in this newspaper under the same name: BAUHAUS.LABOR. In it you will get a taste of our 2019 — design proposals, which react visually to some of the historical visions and theories of the 1919 — Bauhaus. Additionally we present you our venture on a graphic prospect of a year 2119, a hundred years later.

Exhibitions overview

Project Page (Follow the Line by HeeYeon Yeo)

Rendering of the container by Jean Boehm
Pavillion scroll effect